The hypocrisy of food brands is on full display as they selectively choose to support Israel, a country notorious for its occupation of Palestinian land. While some brands openly declare their allegiance to Israel, others opt for more subtle methods like donations or collaborations with Israeli organizations to convey their backing.

The question remains: Can we truly trust these brands to stand for justice and human rights when they openly support the Israeli occupation in Gaza?

Israeli Food
  1. Strauss Group:
    • Strauss Group, a prominent player in Israel’s food industry, operates globally, with flagship brands such as Sabra and Max Brenner. Notably, it has faced criticism for its open support of the Israeli army, particularly the Golani platoon.
  2. Danone’s Involvement:
    • Danone holds a 20% stake in Strauss Group, Israel’s second-largest food company. Operating an R&D facility in Israel, Danone has been recognized for its contributions to the country’s economy, supplying products to the Middle East and neighboring regions.
  3. Tivall’s Global Impact:
    • Tivall, an Israeli food company specializing in meat substitutes, has a global footprint, exporting Israeli products to major supermarkets like Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, and Sainsbury’s. Based in Northern Israel, Tivall plays a significant role in the meat alternative market.
  4. Osem’s UK Presence:
    • Osem, Israel’s fourth-largest food company, is making waves in the UK with brands like Sabra Salads and Beit Hashitah. Its products, including frozen meat items and ready-made cakes, are gaining popularity in prominent UK supermarkets.”
  5. Nestlé’s Investment in Israel:
    • Nestlé, the world’s leading food company, holds a majority share in Osem, signaling a robust investment in Israel. With a continuous increase in financial support, Nestlé reaffirms its commitment to the Israeli economy and holds interests in various Israeli companies.”
  6. Coca-Cola’s Endorsement:
    • Coca-Cola has consistently aligned itself with Israel, providing support through sponsorships and collaborations. The company’s operations in the occupied territories further contribute to the economic sustainability of Israel.
  7. Eden Springs and the Golan Heights:
    • Eden Springs, an Israeli water cooler company, faces controversy due to its association with the illegal occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights. The extraction of water from the Salukia spring raises concerns about the ethical implications of its operations.
  8. SodaStream’s West Bank Plant:
    • SodaStream, an Israeli company known for home carbonating devices, operates its main plant in the West Bank’s illegal Israeli settlement, Mishor Edomim. Reports of poor working conditions and low wages, especially for Palestinian workers, have sparked criticism.
  9. Starbucks and Howard Schultz:
    • Starbucks, led by CEO Howard Schultz, is recognized for its strong support of Israel. The company’s partnerships and initiatives align with Israel’s interests, and its presence extends to US military bases, including Guantanamo Bay.
  10. McDonald’s Connection to Israel:
    • McDonald’s, a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund, maintains a robust connection with Israel. From opening its first Middle East restaurant there to actively supporting Israel-related campaigns, McDonald’s has cemented its ties with the country.
  11. Pepsico – Strauss Partnerships:
    • Strauss and PepsiCo have cultivated a collaboration spanning over two decades. Originating in 1990 with the establishment of a salty snacks production site in Sderot, Israel, the partnership began under the umbrella of PepsiCo Frito-Lay. The two companies jointly own Strauss Frito Lay, with each holding a 50% stake. This collaboration includes a licensing agreement granting exclusive rights to manufacture and distribute various snacks in Israel.
Pepsico Brands

See also: List of Companies that Support Israel

From the facts above, it is clear that these food brands have contributed to providing economic support to Israel, a country known for its occupation of Palestinian land. As those focused on peace and anti-occupation, we are called upon not to buy and consume products from these food brands due to their strong economic ties with Israel as an occupier.

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